A taste of dependent types with Idris
Static type systems are ubiquitous in programming languages. Many of the most popular languages like C and Java have static type systems. Static types give the programmer some level of guarantee that their program won't contain runtime errors by checking types at compile time. However, the level of safety guaranteed by the type system varies widely on the implementation and there are certainly plenty of type systems that are more expressive and powerful than the ones found in mainstream languages. Today we will be looking at one such group of type systems which support dependent types.
I'll try to demonstrate the expressive power of dependent types and show how they may be used for solving programming problems. I'll be demonstrating this with examples in a dependently typed language called Idris. Its syntax is (purposely) similar to Haskell's so if you're already familiar with that then Idris syntax won't be hard to read.
A short aside on syntax
If you aren't familiar with Haskell's syntax I've included this section explaining the fundamentals of Idris syntax, otherwise you can skip this part.
Simple values
fortyTwo : Nat
fortyTwo = 42
numberList : List Nat
numberList = [1, 2, 3]
myBoolean : Bool
myBoolean = False
theString : Type
theString = String
Top level values are defined as shown above where everything to the right of :
indicates the type of the
value. Notice that the type declaration and value declaration are separate.
addOne : Nat -> Nat
addOne n = n + 1
addOne 10 -- 11
addOne 0 -- 1
plus : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
plus a b = a + b
plus 10 7 -- 17
4 `plus` 8 -- 12
multiply : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
multiply = \a, b => a * b
multiply 4 3 -- 12
10 `multiply` 3 -- 30
Functions are defined similarly using the ->
type constructor. For the value declaration you can put
the input arguments on the left-hand side of the =
sign. Alternatively you can define it as an anonymous
function (aka. a lambda function) as done for multiply
here. The alternative definition
multiply a b = a * b
would be equivalent. Furthermore, when passing arguments to functions the arguments
are space separated, one can also make any function infix by using `
on both sides of the function name
as shown.
Defining data structures
data Fruit = Apple | Orange | Pear | Banana
orange : Fruit
orange = Orange
data Pair a b = MkPair a b
myTuple : Pair Nat String
myTuple = MkPair 10 "test"
otherTuple : Pair Bool Fruit
otherTuple = MkPair False Pear
data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
perhapsCarModel : Maybe String
perhapsCarModel = Just "Fiat"
largestNumber : Maybe Nat
largestNumber = Nothing
We define data structures using the data
keyword. On the LHS of the =
we define the type
constructor and any type parameters.1 On the RHS we define all our data constructors which are
the constructors we can use to build some value of the given type.2 Multiple data constructors are delimited
by the |
symbol. All type and data constructors have to be written in pascal case. This type of data
definition is knows as an algebraic data type or ADT.
-- equivalent GADT definition for the Maybe type
data Maybe : Type -> Type where
Nothing : Maybe a
Just : a -> Maybe a
However, Idris also provides a more generalised way of defining data types knows as a generalised algebraic
data type or GADT. Here we specify the arguments to the type constructor first. Looking at the Maybe
type it takes one type parameter, the a
from the ADT definition, and then returns a type like Maybe Nat
or Maybe String
for example. Therefore, it has the type Type -> Type
. Then we define the data
constructors by providing their type. Since Nothing
doesn't have any parameters it's of the type
Maybe a
where a
is a type variable. Just
however does have an argument so its type is
a -> Maybe a
. Basically a function which takes an argument of type a
and returns a Maybe a
It may seem like the GADT definition is just a more verbose version of the ADT, but GADTs allow you to define types which aren't possible to define using regular ADTs since you can specialise type parameters in a data constructor.
Pattern matching
data Maybe : Type -> Type where
Nothing : Maybe a
Just : a -> Maybe a
maybe : (a -> b) -> b -> Maybe a -> b
maybe fun fallback val =
case val of
Nothing => fallback
Just x => fun x
data List : Type -> Type where
Nil : List a
(::) : a -> List a -> List a
map : (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
map fun list = case list of
Nil => Nil
(x::xs) => f x :: map fun xs
-- equivalent definition of map with syntax sugar
map : (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
map _ [] = []
map f (x::xs) = f x :: map f xs
Now that we know how to define data types we can finally look at pattern matching. Pattern matching lets us
match on data constructors in our functions using the case ... of ...
syntax. You can think of pattern
matching as a fancy switch
statement. In the maybe
function defined above we
return the fallback
value if val
is empty. If it's not empty we apply the function fun
to the value
inside val
. Note that in the second example we're using the syntax sugar for pattern matching on cases
by defining the function on a separate line for each case. Furthermore, []
is syntactic sugar for Nil
and the underscore _
is used when some input value isn't used on the RHS of an expression.
Type drive development in Idris
One of the core features of Idris is what we call type driven development. By leveraging its type system we can get a lot of help from the compiler when implementing functions. Writing a program in Idris can be seen as a conversation between the programmer and the compiler. We start by giving a type definition for some function, then we define the function and then refine the function until we have an implementation that type checks. Hopefully in the end we have a program that works. This process is much helped by dependent types since we can be very precise about our functions type and express dependent properties otherwise not possible in most languages.
filter : (a -> Bool) -> List a -> List a
filter p l = ?filter_rhs
-- REPL output
Main> :t filter_rhs
0 a : Type
l : List a
p : a -> Bool
hole : List a
Let's say we want to implement the filter
function. We start
by giving its type and a function definition which introduces the function arguments on the LHS. On the
right we put a typed hole called filter_rhs
. When we load the code into the Idris REPL and check
the type of the hole we get the output above listing everything we have access to in scope.3 We see that
we have access to the predicate p
and the list l
.4 5
filter : (a -> Bool) -> List a -> List a
filter p [] = ?filter_rhs_1
filter p (first :: rest) = ?filter_rhs_2
-- REPL output
Main> :t filter_rhs_1
0 a : Type
p : a -> Bool
hole : List a
Main> :t filter_rhs_2
0 a : Type
p : a -> Bool
first : a
rest : List a
filter_rhs_2 : List a
Using an interactive editor we can now case split on l
to pattern match on all the data
constructors of the List
type. Now we have two holes, one for each list constructor. For the empty
case we don't have much to work with. We have the predicate p
, but no elements of type a
to apply
it to. Here we can actually ask the compiler to search for a solution for us. In this case there is only
one valid solution which is to return the empty list. For the cons constructor ::
we have more to work
with. We have a value first
of type a
which we can pass as an argument to p
so that we get back a
. Since we want to filter out elements which don't match the predicate we have to return different
things depending on the result of p first
, therefore we can use an if
filter : (a -> Bool) -> List a -> List a
filter p [] = []
filter p (first :: rest) = if p first then first :: filter p rest else filter p rest
For the case where we want to keep first
as part of the list we put it at the front of the list and make
a recursive call to filter
with the remaining part of the list to be filtered, rest
. If the predicate
doesn't hold then we must discard first
and so we just make a recursive call to filter
with the rest
ignoring first
Using this pattern of type, define, refine is very beneficial when developing in Idris. By leaning on Idris' type system it can guide you towards the correct implementation and the more information about your functions you can encode in your types the higher the chances are that you end up with the correct implementation. However, Idris' case split and search isn't fool proof and doesn't absolve you as a developer from thinking about the implementation, but the compiler can certainly help you along the way.
What are dependent types?
A dependent type is a type whose definition depends on a value. A language which supports dependent types supports first class types. In such languages types are just regular values like any other value. There is no distinction between the type level and the term level. In practice this means that you can assign names to types, functions can take types as arguments and return types. In other words you can compute types.
stringOrNat : (isStr : Bool) -> Type
stringOrNat True = String
stringOrNat False = Nat
Here we have an example of a function which returns a type depending on the input boolean which we have
named isStr
in the type although it's not strictly necessary to give it a name in this case. What's the
point of defining functions which computer types if not to use it as part of some other type.
lengthOrDouble : (isStr : Bool) -> stringOrNat isStr -> Nat
lengthOrDouble True str = length str
lengthOrDouble False num = num + num
Here we introduce our first dependent function. lengthOrDouble
's first argument is a value isStr
type Bool
, however the second arguments type is dependent on the value of isStr
since we are using
the previously defined stringOrNat
to compute the type. If isStr
is True
then the second argument
is a String
and so str
is a value of type String
and we can return the length. Otherwise, it's a
and we return the double of that value num
. We can now test this in the REPL by passing
a Bool
to lengthOrDouble
-- REPL output
Main> :t lengthOrDouble True
lengthOrDouble True : String -> Nat
Main> :t lengthOrDouble False
lengthOrDouble False : Nat -> Nat
Main> lengthOrDouble True "hello"
5 : Nat
Main> lengthOrDouble False 20
40 : Nat
Notice how the type changes depending on the value of the Bool
passed to lengthOrDouble
However, this example is quite contrived so what sort of useful things can we do with dependent functions?
If you've ever programmed in C you will be familiar with the function printf
which formats a string. This
is in fact a dependent function! printf
takes an argument string with placeholders for strings and numbers
such as '%s' and '%d' then takes those string and numbers as arguments and returns a string where the
placeholders are replaced with the values. So the type of the function depends on what sort of string
it is given. In most languages printf
is implemented in an unsafe manner. If you supply values that don't
match the placeholders in the string your program will crash with a runtime error, but in Idris we can
implement a type safe version of printf
-- REPL output
Main> :t printf "Hello my name is %s and I'm %d years old"
printf "Hello my name is %s and I'm %d years old" : String -> Nat -> String
Main> :t printf "Hello my name is %s and my friend here is %s"
printf "Hello my name is %s and my friend is here is %s" : String -> String -> String
Main> printf "Hello my name is %s and I'm %d years old" "Bob" 17
"Hello my name is Bob and I'm 17 years old" "Bob" : String
Main> printf "Hello my name is %s and I'm %d years old" "Bob" "woops"
builtin : Type mismatch between
String (Type of "woops")
Nat (Expected type)
The implementation is slightly more involved than the previous example, but the principle is exactly the same. If you want to take a look at the source code you can find it here.
Dependent data types
Lets take a look at implementing append
for the List
append : List a -> List a -> List a
append xs ys = ?append_rhs
We start by case splitting on the first argument xs
append : List a -> List a -> List a
append [] ys = ?append_rhs_1
append (first :: rest) ys = ?append_rhs_2
For the first case where xs
is empty there really isn't much we can do other
than return the second list ys
and indeed the compiler could figure this out
for you when searching for a solution. However, the second case is slightly
more interesting.
Here we have to think a bit about what we want because there
are several solutions which would type check. What we want is to traverse
over the entire list xs
and then add the list ys
to the end. Unfortunately
if we had left it to the compiler to search for a solution it would
have returned ys
, which would type check because ys
is of type List a
as well, but isn't the behaviour we're looking for.
append : List a -> List a -> List a
append [] ys = []
append (first :: rest) ys = ys -- woops, wrong implementation
Luckily for us there is a solution to this problem. If we can give the
compiler more information about the List
type we're working on perhaps
it could infer the correct solution.
data Nat : Type where
Z : Nat -- zero
S : Nat -> Nat -- successor of a natural number
data Vect : Nat -> Type -> Type where
Nil : Vect Z a -- the empty vector
(::) : a -> Vect k a -> Vect (S k) a -- adding an element to the front of a vector
Here we introduce the Vect
type which is just like the List
type, but
also parameterised over the length of the list. We're using the Nat
for natural numbers here to represent the length which itself has a recursive
definition as shown above. However, Idris includes syntax sugar for this type
as well, so we can write 3
instead of S (S (S Z))
for example. In this
case Nil
, representing the empty vector, takes no arguments and gives us a
list of type Vect Z a
which is a list of length zero.
For the cons
constructor ::
we take some element of type a
and vector of type
Vect k a
where k
is the length and return a vector of type Vect (S k) a
. Since we're adding one element to the front of the vector it will have the
length S k
otherwise known as k + 1
append : Vect n a -> Vect m a -> Vect (n + m) a
append xs ys = ?append_rhs
Since we are now defining append on Vect
we can encode an invariant in the
type signature. The resulting vector we get from appending two vectors of
length n
and m
is always going to be of length n + m
append : Vect n a -> Vect m a -> Vect (n + m) a
append [] ys = ?append_rhs_1
append (first :: rest) ys = ?append_rhs_2
Again we start by case splitting on the first list xs
-- REPL output
Main> :t append_rhs_1
0 m : Nat
0 a : Type
ys : Vect m a
0 n : Nat
append_rhs_1 : Vect m a
Inspecting the first typed hole we find that append_rhs_1
has the type
Vect m a
which happens to be the type of ys
here. Since this is the only
value which matches the type we must return it (again the compiler could infer
this for us), but the original return type we declared for append
had the length n + m
how come it has changed? Since we pattern matched on the first list xs
the empty case Nil
/ []
here the compiler has inferred the type of n
to be Z
/ 0
which is the type of the Nil
constructor as we defined it in our Vect
type. Therefore, the return type of append_rhs_1
has changed to Vect (0 + m) a
in this case and the compiler has simplified this to the normal form
Vect m a
. By pattern matching on the first list xs
we've learned more about the
type which lets the compiler make more inferences.
-- REPL output
Main> :t append_rhs_2
0 m : Nat
0 a : Type
first : a
rest : Vect len a
ys : Vect m a
0 n : Nat
append_rhs_2 : Vect (S (len + m)) a
In the second case where xs
contains elements the typed hole is of a
different type. Here we have to return a Vect
of length S (len + m)
is the length of rest
and m
is the length of ys
. We can do this by using ::
construct a vector where first
is the head and the tail is the result of calling append
and ys
. Let's check that the lengths match.
||| Taken from append_rhs_2:
||| first : a
||| rest : Vect len a
||| ys : Vect m a
first :: ... -- Vect (S ?something) a
append rest ys -- Vect (len + m) a
first :: append rest ys -- Vect (S (len + m)) a
-- Vect
append rest ys
- Adding
to the front of some list will give use a vector of lengthS ?something
is the length of the vector thatfirst
is being added to as given by the::
definition in theVect
type we defined. - The length of
append rest ys
islen + m
as given by our definition ofappend
Therefore, it follows that the length of first :: append rest ys
will be S (len + m)
which is exactly
what we were looking for!
There is really only one way of implementing this function therefore we can let the compiler search for a solution and it will give us the correct answer.
append : Vect n a -> Vect m a -> Vect (n + m) a
append [] ys = ys
append (first :: rest) ys = first :: append rest ys
As we've seen providing more information about the type in the data structure can be useful and there are several reasons for that.
- it gives us more information about the type which we can exploit depending on the context
it lets us encode invariants in functions that manipulate dependent data structures
- these invariants make our code more type safe by reducing the total amount of valid implementations meaning implementations that pass the type checker
However, this doesn't mean you always want to add all the extra type information you possibly can to any given data structure. Once you become more expressive about your types and the type grows more complex you may find it harder to implement functions which manipulating said data structure. The more types you carry around and invariants in your functions or data structures the more things the compiler needs to be able to prove about your functions so that the program type checks and for more complex propositions this requires you to provide proofs in your functions so that the compiler may resolve the types.
Propositions as types
Dependent types allow us to express propositions as types. This is useful because if we can show that these propositions hold true then we have proven the validity of said proposition in the mathematical sense. The direct relationship between formal proofs and computer programs is knows as the Curry-Howard equivalence. Historically it has also been the main use of dependent types in theorem provers such as Coq and Agda.
So how do we write proofs in Idris? We start by describing propositional equality between types as its own type. Let's start by defining one such data type for propositional equality between natural numbers.
data EqNat : Nat -> Nat -> Type where
SameNat : (num : Nat) -> EqNat num num
Here we define a data type EqNat
which takes two Nat
's and gives us back a Type
. It has one
constructor SameNat
which takes only one argument the value we call num
of type Nat
and returns
a type of EqNat num num
. Thereby enforcing that the two Nat
values in the type are indeed the same
number. Now we can start off with a simple proof of equality.
smallProofEq : EqNat (2 + 2) 4
smallProofEq = ?foo
Let's try to prove that 2 + 2 = 4
, we start by checking the typed hole.
Main> :t foo
foo : EqNat 4 4
Here we see that the compiler has already simplified 2 + 2
for us. So the return type has now changed
to EqNat 4 4
. So how do we provide a value of type EqNat 4 4
? Well EqNat
only has one constructor
so lets start with that.
smallProofEq : EqNat (2 + 2) 4
smallProofEq = SameNat ?foo
-- REPL output
Main> :t foo
foo : Nat
We now see that ?foo
has the type Nat
so we can now pass 4
to the SameNat
smallProofEq : EqNat (2 + 2) 4
smallProofEq = SameNat 4
Now we have a proof that 2 + 2 = 4
, but what happens if we try to prove something that isn't true?
smallProofNotEq : EqNat (2 + 2) 5
smallProofNotEq = SameNat 4
When checking right-hand side of smallProofNotEq with expected type
EqNat (2 + 2) 5
Type mismatch between
EqNat num num (Type of SameNat num)
EqNat 4 5 (Expected type)
Type mismatch between
Here we get a type error complaining that the compiler can't unify 0
with 1
. Remember that the
definition of Nat
is recursive so the compiler has tried to reduce both numbers down to zero, but fails
because 5
is greater than 4
, therefore we get the type error that 1
is not equal to 0
A note on totality
One important thing to make sure of when writing these kinds of proofs is that the functions are total meaning that they are defined for any valid input and that the function terminates. If we don't enforce totality we can end up proving anything. Take for example the previous invalid proof.
smallProofNotEq : EqNat (2 + 2) 5
smallProofNotEq = smallProofNotEq
If we didn't enfore totality defining smallProofNotEq
as itself would be a perfectly valid proof of
how 4 = 5
to the compiler and we don't want that. However, we do want to enforce totality for proofs
so if you were to write this in Idris the compiler would complain with the following message:
smallProofNotEq is possibly not total due to recursive path smallProofNotEq
On the other hand, it is sometimes useful to write partial (non-total) functions and therefore
possible to circumvent this check in Idris by declaring a function partial
, but we want our proofs
to be total.
Let's try proving another property about natural numbers.
successorEq : EqNat x y -> EqNat (S x) (S y)
successorEq p = ?successorEq_rhs
Here we want to prove that given some existing proof that x
is equal to y
it implies that the
successor of x
equals the successor of y
. In other words we want to prove that if 1 = 1
2 = 2
, but for all natural numbers.
successorEq : EqNat x y -> EqNat (S x) (S y)
successorEq (SameNat n) = ?successorEq_rhs
-- REPL output
Main> :t successorEq_rhs
n : Nat
successorEq_rhs : EqNat (S n) (S n)
We start by pattern matching on the argument p
's only constructor and checking the typed hole.
Since we have pattern matched on the constructor SameNat
which requires in this case x
to be y
because it's the only way to construct a proof of that type we now see that the return type has changed
from EqNat (S x) (S y)
to EqNat (S n) (S n)
. This is now trivial to prove.
successorEq : EqNat x y -> EqNat (S x) (S y)
successorEq (SameNat n) = SameNat (S n)
-- Repl output
Main> :total successorEq
successorEq is Total
Main> successorEq (SameNat 10)
SameNat 11 : EqNat 11 11
Main> successorEq (SameNat 4)
SameNat 5 : EqNat 5 5
We have proved succession equality for natural numbers and checked that it is indeed total! Now we can call it with some proof of equality on natural numbers and it will give us back a proof of equality on the successor of that number.
Polymorphic propositional equality
This is all great, but it would be quite annoying if we had to define a type like EqNat
to represent
propositional equality for every single type. Furthermore, having to explicitly pass arguments to
the data constructor SameNat
is tedious. Therefore, the standard library provides a polymorphic
version of the equality type for us.
data (=) : a -> b -> Type where
Refl : x = x
Here a
and b
can be of any type not just Nat
. Notice that the data constructor Refl
take any arguments like we did with SameNat
because its argument x
is implicitly bound.
smallProof : 2 + 2 = 4
smallProof = Refl
successor : (x = y) -> S x = S y
successor Refl = Refl
-- REPL output
Main> the (1 = 1) Refl
Refl : 1 = 1
Main> the (7 = 7) Refl
Refl : 7 = 7
Main> successor (the (1 = 1) Refl)
Refl : 2 = 2
Main> successor (the (7 = 7) Refl)
Refl : 8 = 8
Here are the examples from earlier rewritten to use the generic equality type. Since Refl
's argument
is implicitly bound, the compiler can't always infer its type without a type signature. That's why we
use the the
function to give it a type explicitly. the
is just a regular function with the dependent
type signature the : (a : Type) -> a -> a
. It takes a Type
which we name a
as its first argument
and then a value of type a
and then returns that same value of type a
Equality in action
Now that we've looked at how the equality type works and seen some trivial proofs lets look at equality
in action. Lets say we want to write a function which zips together two vectors of the Vect
type we
previously defined.6
tryZip : Vect n a -> Vect m b -> Maybe (Vect n (a, b))
We can't always be sure that any callers of this function will call it with vectors of the same length.
Hence, why tryZip
takes two vectors of potentially different lengths n
and m
Therefore, we might not be able to produce a result and so to reflect this we use the Maybe
tryZip : Vect n a -> Vect m b -> Maybe (Vect n (a, b))
tryZip xs ys = if length xs == length ys then Just ?help else Nothing
One could be tempted to start writing the function as shown above, but if we inspect the typed hole help
we see that we've run into a problem.
Main> :t help
0 b : Type
0 m : Nat
0 a : Type
0 n : Nat
ys : Vect m a
xs : Vect n a
help : Vect n (a, b)
Even though we've check that the length of each vector is equal the compiler still reports that xs
length n
and ys
has length m
. Why is this? Well, the ==
function simply checks for boolean equality
and doesn't inform the compiler of types.7 What we need here is a proof! What we want is a function that
given two Nat
's gives us back a proof that they are equal if the arguments are indeed equal.
checkEqNat : (n, m : Nat) -> Maybe (n = m)
checkEqNat Z Z = Just Refl
checkEqNat (S k) Z = Nothing
checkEqNat Z (S j) = Nothing
checkEqNat (S k) (S j) =
case checkEqNat k j of
Nothing => Nothing
(Just Refl) => Just Refl
Note that (n, m : Nat)
is just shorthand for (n : Nat) -> (m : Nat)
. We are still passing two
seperate arguments n
and m
to this function.
By using the type, define, refine technique we learned earlier we will eventually get something like
this checkEqNat
function. The last case however is a bit tricky.
What we want to return here is a proof that the successor of k
equals the successor of j
. They are only equal if k = j
, so we call checkEqNat k j
recursively and
pattern match on the result. If the result is Nothing
then k
is not equal to j
and we return
. Otherwise, we have Just x
where x
is a proof that k = j
so we pattern match on the only
constructor one can use to construct a proof which is Refl
. Therefore, the return type changes to
Maybe (S k = S k)
and we can return Just Refl
. It might be clearer to see what's going on here if we
show the implicit arguments to Refl
on both sides of the pattern match. Idris allows us to explicitly
pass implicit arguments using the curly brace syntax.
checkEqNat (S k) (S j) =
case checkEqNat k j of
Nothing => Nothing
(Just (Refl {x = k}) => Just (Refl {x = S k})
We are using the proof we get from the pattern match Refl : k = j
to return a proof that S k = S j
This is also known as proof by induction. Now that we have defined checkEqNat
we can continue with our
tryZip : Vect n a -> Vect m b -> Maybe (Vect n (a, b))
tryZip xs ys = ?tryZip_rhs
What we want to do here is pattern match on the result of checkEqNat n m
where n
and m
are the
lengths of the two vectors, but even though n
and m
are in fact arguments to the function tryZip
are implicitly bound and so will be erased unless we specify otherwise. If we inspect the typed hole
we see the following:
Main> :t tryZip_rhs
0 b : Type
0 m : Nat
0 a : Type
0 n : Nat
ys : Vect m a
xs : Vect n a
tryZip_rhs : Maybe (Vect n (a, b))
and m
here have a 0
in front of them, meaning that we can't really depend on them at runtime.
To fix this we must explicitly state that we want to use them. This can be done by using the
curly braces syntax we saw earlier, but now in the type of tryZip
as well.
tryZip : {n, m : Nat} -> Vect n a -> Vect m b -> Maybe (Vect n (a, b))
tryZip {n} {m} xs ys = ?tryZip_rhs
These Nat
's are still implicitly bound, so we don't have to explicitly pass them as arguments when calling
, but we now have access to them at runtime. Let's look at the typed hole again.
Main> :t tryZip_rhs
0 b : Type
0 a : Type
n : Nat
m : Nat
ys : Vect m a
xs : Vect n a
tryZip_rhs : Maybe (Vect n (a, b))
We can see that tryZip_rhs
has changed a bit. There is no longer a 0
in front of n
and m
and so we
now have access to them at runtime.
tryZip : {n, m : Nat} -> Vect n a -> Vect m b -> Maybe (Vect n (a, b))
tryZip {n} {m} xs ys =
case checkEqNat n m of
Nothing => Nothing
(Just Refl) => ?hole
Continuing with our implementation we pattern match on checkEqNat n m
. If it returns Nothing
then the
two lengths aren't equal so can't zip together the vectors. Therefore we return Nothing
. In the case
where the lengths are equal we pattern match on the proof Refl : n = m
and so the typed holed hole
us the following:
Main> :t hole
0 b : Type
0 a : Type
n : Nat
ys : Vect n b
xs : Vect n a
m : Nat
hole : Maybe (Vect n (a, b))
We now see that the vectors xs
and ys
have the same length n
. Therefore, we can now safely call
the zip
function on them.
tryZip : {n, m : Nat} -> Vect n a -> Vect m b -> Maybe (Vect n (a, b))
tryZip {n} {m} xs ys =
case checkEqNat n m of
Nothing => Nothing
(Just Refl) => Just (zip xs ys)
With this implementation of tryZip
we can try calling the function with some values and hopefully see
the result we expect.
Main> tryZip [1, 2, 3] [4, 5, 6]
Just [(1, 4), (2, 5), (3, 6)]
Main> tryZip [True, False] [False, False]
Just [(True, False), (False, False)]
Main> tryZip ["hello"] ["nada", "adios"]
Main> tryZip ['a', 'b', 'c'] ['d']
Proofs vs testing
One of the main things I hear a lot from dependent type enthusiasts is that proofs can replace testing. While it's nice to be able to formalise different properties of your code and provide proofs this doesn't mean that it is always easy to do. Certainly it is preferable to write a proof that holds for all values of some type instead of just some values that you write tests for, but formalising properties can become difficult when your code grows more complex. Of course, you can write proofs that go far beyond the simple things we have looked at today, but there are limits. Dependent types is still an active research space, and we don't have all the answers yet. So I can say with certainty that proofs cannot replace tests in the general sense.
I hope this has given you a feel for dependent types and how they can be used. In this blogpost I've only scratched the surface and there are certainly lots of other more complex topics that I wish to touch on in the future. If you're interested in learning more about Idris and dependent types I've left several resources below.
LHS is an acronym for left-hand side
RHS is an acronym for right-hand side
REPL stands for Read Eval Print Loop and is a common tool used for live interaction with your program
You may be wondering what the 0
in front of a
means. Idris 2 introduces linearity to types
which lets you define how many times you can use some value. The 0
here means that we can't use those
values since they are erased at runtime. Linear types are beyond the scope of this blogpost. For our
purposes we can just ignore them, I've also removed linearity from some function signatures so as not
to further confuse readers.
Note that typed holes don't show top level module definitions which are in scope. For example if
you were to define another top level function above filter
it wouldn't show up in ?filter_rhs
thought it may be perfectly valid to use in the implementation of filter
For the uninitiated the zip
function takes two vectors and zips each element from both vectors
in the same position together into a tuple. For this to work both vectors have to be of the same
length. zip : Vect n a -> Vect n b -> Vect n (a, b)
The ==
function has the type signature Eq ty => ty -> ty -> Bool
where Eq ty
is a type
constraint constraining the ty
type variable to types that implement the Eq